MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > The red tape in the last episode? Spoile...

The red tape in the last episode? Spoiler.

When they are about to have the party nearing the end of the last episode, Tina makes sure to tell a couple of the girls to be careful as the contractor hasn't finished the railings upstairs yet. Bette then quickly mentions that "there's just red tape up there now" before they move up the stairs. Jenny is not present in this scene.

In the scene where Bette confronts Jenny outside you clearly see the red tape running around the balcony. The fact that they made an effort to point that out kinda makes me believe it was an accident. Maybe after the confrontation Bette walked back inside and Jenny turned around, not realising there was no railing and she fell into the pool, hit her head and died?

At least I'd like to believe this is what happened as I don't really see any of the other girls as capable of murder. Maybe Bette pushed her... but she seemed so collected and calm during their last conversation. Considering how angry she's been before on the show and she never got violent I really don't see the sense in it.

Anyways, interesting ending. I loved the show. I'm as straigh as they come but I'd still give Shane a go. Cough.


That's the whole point in not revealing what happened. Every viewer can think whatever they want. It may have been an accident as you say but every person at the party also had a motive.


Just because you have a motive for something, doesn't mean you actually did it. Yeah, they all said at one point "I'm going to *beep* kill Jenny Schecter" but I agree with OP, that none of them are really capable of murder. I mean think about what would happen if Bette had done it. She would lose her family for sure that she "worked so hard to build". Same would go for Tina. Plus, all the others were in that viewing room when Jenny was on the balcony (except for Bette who was with her) so I don't think any of them could have done it...


I was actually considering this myself after re-watching the last season again. It would kinda make sense (besides her just killing herself). Throughout that episode in general, they were mentioning about how unsafe the balcony currently was so..maybe that was foreshadowing?

I don't even think Bette pushed her because as I mentioned, she would lose her family then in the end (aka jail time). The fact that Nikki was hiding in the brush, I think maybe Jenny saw her and leaned over to get a better look and fell. Or...they just had some kind of confrontation after Nikki came out of the brush and she still ended up falling from the balcony (lost her footing or something). It would explain why Nikki was hanging around in the brush when the cops found her. Maybe she was in shock.
