Jenny's Death....

So I'm one for foreshadowing and just rewatched the whole series and realized something that the title credits include Jenny underwater along with Jenny and Shane making out......I think that is either very coincidental or an already planned ending for how Jenny would die. What do you guys think?


I am doing the same thing!!! I noticing the same thing!! Also-- I can't help but notice the second time around how many people say they want to kill Jenny. Crazy!


Who wouldn't have wanted to kill her??? She kept going out of her way to make her so called "friends" miserable. I don't think any of them would actually do it though. I mean hell, they were all even talking that night about trying to make amends with her.

I am starting to think (because I saw someone else mention this in another thread) that Jenny just fell off the balcony. I mean think about it...that was where she was seen last and again, I don't think Bette would actually have it in her to kill someone. What would that mean for her family then? She would go to jail and everything. Plus, during that finale, they kept hinting at how unsafe that balcony was because of the railings not being put in. Maybe that was why they did that...
