MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > Are L.A lesbians really this open to sex...

Are L.A lesbians really this open to sex?

I was just wondering, alot of the girls in show, especially the unknown ones, seem very eager to hit on other girls and immediately have sex with them, and in a lot of cases, get into loving relationships and be happy (even though it doesn't always end well)
Are a lot of L.A lesbians at parties really like that, or is the show exaggerating?



I think they exaggerate a bit. But I don't really know much about L.A. lesbians.

"Big butch: go unload the truck!" :D


Definitely exaggerated. The gay scene in LA is great and I love it, but there's a definite lack of lesbians. There's one girl night at one of the most popular clubs in WeHo (even that night has been increasingly man-heavy as of late) and then there's one or two other spots. I think they're more into staying in (hence why I get along better with gay men, haha). I feel like the best place in the area to meet girls who like girls is the big dog park in Silverlake (:

Life's a bitch, but god forbid the bitch divorce me


It's only a TV show. Natives of California see the southland as open hetro activist territory and the north as open homo activist territory. Only among certain segments of the entertainment community would you find openly lesbian. The conflicts in the show often reflect a rejection by southland culture IE when Arianna Huffington is on the show.


Do Bristol teens really smack people over the head with rocks and hijack boats? Some of them, maybe. But in the end, it's a drama show. Things have to be exaggerated. Yes there are people like that, but not the majority.
