Howard and Ava...

wow!! did you see how in love with herself she is? when Howard is talking to her about the TWA logo, the Kashmiri Sapphire, then the rest of that scene? Gag me!! How she fawns all over herself in front of the mirror, he gives her a gift and she acts like a total bitch!! "oh.. a box of trash, you shouldn't have!!" and the way to dinner.. "I get all dolled up and its bad enough I have endure your filthy tennis shoes, but we have to go out in this old jalopy without a hood!!"...for someone that was born dirt poor on a tobacco farm in Smithfield NC, she sure has her nose pretty high!!


The thing was, she really was that way, and men seemed to eat it up. The more she treated them like dirt, the more they wanted her. The way she bullied, dominated and humiliated Frank Sinatra is legendary, and tough-guy Frank just kept asking for more.

Ava may have come from poverty, but she was a classic Southern Belle. None of that behavior surprised me. My mother is one, and from NC. I think she also learned another important life lesson early on: act like a Diva, and you'll get treated like one. Think of Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With The Wind".

Don't forget the later scene where she was also very kind and compassionate to Howard, when she came to his house and helped him get cleaned up for the senate hearing.

And guess what? Most ladies of Ava's caliber expect the man they're dating to make the effort and show up at the door well dressed and well groomed.

We got a job.
What kind?
...The Forever Kind.


Ava was cool, she just resented the fact that Howard kept trying to buy her Even though she kept pointing out that she liked him for himself- as a friend.
He was pushy insulting suffocating overbearing and creepy! Planting bugs in her house to spy on her etc.
Howard was a loon


Show me the blueprints.
Show me the blueprints.
Show me the blueprints.
Show me......

We got a job.
What kind?
...The Forever Kind.


I loved how Artie Shaw's "Nightmare" and other Shaw music came on the sound track during the Ava period.

Ava married Artie Shaw, who was brilliant and almost as much of a character as Hughes. Great hearing his awesome compositions.


Sadly, she ended her life as a lonely shut in, a lot like Howard.

We got a job.
What kind?
...The Forever Kind.
