MovieChat Forums > Monster (2004) Discussion > Why did they have to make Charlize so ug...

Why did they have to make Charlize so ugly?

I know the serial killer she played wasn't pretty, but I think they over did it. Charlize is a gorgeous woman and the movie could have had a very hot lesbian scene which was ruined by all the ugly makeup on mrs Theron . People in movies are always portrayed prettier than in real life, so I think they could have gotten away with a much prettier leading role.


Even with the make up, she still looked better than Aileen did in real life.


That's what chalrize look like without makeup.


I don't think so.






LOL thanks for the laugh!


There is very fictional movie of this story on Netflix that Stars former Disney actress peyton list and Tobin Bell. Peyton still looks like her pretty self as Aileen. 😉🙂


"People in movies are always portrayed prettier than in real life..."

Exactly. Doesn't that get tiresome after the billionth fucking time? Personally, I find it super irritating and cringeworthy. Every damn Hollywood movie I watch, as soon as some attractive woman enters into the plot, it's like, "OK there's the love interest." It's so goddamn predictable and pathetic. You'd think people would find it a refreshing change when every once in a blue moon they actually portray someone more real-looking, but I guess to placate people like you, we get an endless stream of cookie-cutter movies with actors and actresses who all slowly morph into the same bland, homogenized, lowest-common-denominator concept of beauty. I despise it.


I see very attractive women and men every day, and they're all real people. Unfortunately, I can't count myself among their ranks, but my wife is one. They do exist and are not particularly rare.


Charlize won the Best actress Oscar for her portrayal. "the movie could have had a very hot lesbian scene" - this movie was not a porno film.
