MovieChat Forums > Kôkaku kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex (2004) Discussion > Does the episode where she is naked with...

Does the episode where she is naked with the kid creep anyone else out?

that episode is just really creepy to me


I didn't find it creepy. I thought it was funny, if anything. The kid tried to act like a bad ass, but the moment a naked "woman" stands before him he reverts to a fetal position and his true colors are exposed. Motoko was just screwing with him.



Even though he was young i don't really see it as much of a problem. This kid really wanted to be a cyborg because he thought it would make him better. it think Motoko wants to show him that it would be better if he were to stay human.


It's just kinky Japanese fanservice. On some level, all males would love to be in the position of that kid, and take advantage of it.


Yeah, I found it a bit uncomfortable. Leave the kids alone, Motoko!

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...


well if it had been me at 13 the show would've had a different rating



What would it have made her? A Goddess!!!

Daniel Klugh


you from the south? lol



D Buddha you just gave me an idea. Could the scene with Mokoto naked with the teenage boy be a type of social critique of the Japanese entertainment industry? I notice, when watching GITS 2nd gig (I hate to abbreviate) is riff with social and political commentary. Could this scene be implying that when male protagonists in Anime are with woman who look like teenagers it is ok while if the reverse occurs it is not? Maybe I am seeing too much into it. I am just curious if anyone else sees this?



Thank you, I was wondering if someone would pick up on my screen name. I agree with your assessment that I am seeing too much into the scene and I may have a puritanical mindset. If I remember correctly there were periods of Japanese history in which homosexuality was tolerated, however I have not done any research. Why I had the idea that GITS may be making a statement is that in the episode Jungle Cruise the episode's main antagonist seems to be an allusion and critique of US conduct in the Vietnam War a' la The Phoenix Program. Also season 2 of GITS seems to have some very non Japanese views of immigrants as there seems to be a strong xenophobic sentiment in Japan.



I can see how they might not have forseen how the show would have taken off in the US, however I did not put two and two together when it comes to politicians taking advantage of tragedies in order to advance a political agenda. Do you know if there will be a third season or did solid state society end the series?



It isn't creepy because the ghost of that "kid" is actually alot older than you think. Pay attention to the story.

Just because he's in a child sized body doesn't mean he's a child. The Major used a child's body at one point as well.



Yeah okay if you say so.

Yes the scene was a little unnerving considering, but I suppose they were just trying to show that the boy wasn't as big and tough as he was making out, like the majority of 13 year old boys. But even so ...

Du riechst so gut


That's exactly why I came here... I just watched that part. I feel very confused by it.


This is Japan, not America. Their age of consent laws are much lighter, since their legal system isn't as heavily influenced by a very conservative religion.


Indeed, he made the same mistake i did when i was 12.



hehe...well, in this case the cyborg was an 12 year old nextdoor neighboor girl.

(dont worry she was at the same age as i was)

I pussied out....for fear someone would find out and you know, she getting pregnant.

I regret it EVER since!

i did get to third base...



If it was my son i'd high five him!


I agree with that. Calm down. It's just anime and a lot of people seem to forget one of the characters best traits, that Motoko is one who is usually on top of the situation. She knew exactly what would happen if she confronted him in that way. It was made to show character, not perverse right-and-wrong scenario for people on the internet to debate. Plus it's already been shown in the original 1997 film and in the manga that Motoko has no ladyparts thus rendering real sex impossible.


Whereas I can fully understand where it may make people uncomfortable, I see it differently. Through the course of the heart-to-heart that they were having, the kid opens up and the Major sees the frightened boy he tries to hide, and his true determined side. I feel that she saw this as an opening for a bit of teasing, and her judgement of his character makes her able to predict his timid reaction.

But that's just my interpretation!

However, I have seen far worse in Anime. For example, in 'The End of Evangelion' when they are parting, even given that they may not survive, Misato gives Shinji a kiss and says 'That's how adults do it, We'll do the rest when you get back!' This for me was far more suggestive and not so easily passed off as her being playful, certainly given the dire situation.


the receptionist at the hotel was apparently one the same page.
