MovieChat Forums > Kôkaku kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex (2004) Discussion > Why do the Japanese characters look Cauc...

Why do the Japanese characters look Caucasian?

There's not many (any?) Japanese-looking characters in this show set in Japan. Is it because they have artificial bodies and chose to look that way?


oh, i forgot. they're supposed to be yellow, right?



Umm, how about Japanese, as it's set in Japan.


I think it's a tradition that began when American soldiers stationed in Japan after WWII brought with them comic books from the USA. The Japanese copied the caucasian aesthetic when they started making comic books of their own. It's also proof of the Japanese admiration of everything Western. Obviously, not all anime series have caucasian characters, but most of them do. And because of that admiration many anime "historical" shows are set in a kind of European setting with Western architecture, dress, weapons, etc.


Hmm that's not true at all. Anime characters look more Asian than Caucasian. And the architecture and dress is very obviously Japanese as are many other characteristics of the society they depict. It's just a tendency that Caucasian people have to project their own image into the characters, when in fact they neither resemble caucasians nor asians in likeness, but are closer to asians for sure.


You're both sounding like complete idiots to me.


How so?


Caucasians project Caucasian features on manga faces, while Asians project Asian features. The drawing style itself in the majority of cases does not supply any of the facial features one would need to distinguish between the two. Look carefully in the images and hopefully you'll understand what I mean...


Actually, here's a bit more elaboration on the topic for whoever's interested:

It's Kristmas...
