Easter egg?

In the opening credits, when the camera zoomed in on the gynoid's eye, SOMETHING could tangibly be seen in the reflection, but I wasn't able to make it out. If anyone has the DVD maybe they could use the pause function to solve this mystery for me? Thanks!


I've tried for nearly two years to find out what the reflected image is. At first I thought it was an embryo or a newborn child. Then I thought it was the newly created cyborg's face. If you listen to the commentary, Oshii-san even gloats about the mysterious image, stating that only he and possibly one other person could know what it is. I'll keep trying, just to satisfy my curiosity:)


Not an easter, a signature

pay heed to this i'm about to say: That is Gabriel! Batou's Bassett Hound i'll bet anything!

Remember: Oshii-san trademark. Look for the Hound in other features.

GITS - Bridge
Avalon - Ash's Hound

P.S. we're human beings, HUMAN BEINGS!!! - Ricky Oh
