MovieChat Forums > Waiting... (2005) Discussion > Tipping... courtesy or extortion?

Tipping... courtesy or extortion?

I have read countless posts along the lines of "if you do not tip, I will _blankety-blank_ your food".

-pee in
-spit on
-sneeze on
-squirt other bodily fluids on

Is this the general attitude amongst the service industry? Because if it is, it sounds like a direct threat and extortion to me. Holding a customer hostage with a "tip or else" attitude is inappropriate and in many places probably illegal.


I don't care if they have that attitude or not. Fact is, they won't know whether I am going to tip them until I have paid the bill, at which time, the meal is over. If they didn't get a tip from me it is because they did a very bad job serving me. I don't expect much either, and am a very generous tipper even with average service. I know servers work hard, and I won't stiff them unless they deserve it.

Yes, if someone in a restaurant did something to mess with your food and put their bodily fluids on the food, that would be a crime.

I hate IMDb sometimes! They are never any when you need it.



Oh get over it. The bottom line is treat others how you would want to be treated; if you were a server (I know, imagine lowering yourself to such a level! /sarcasm), you'd appreciate a FAIR tip, right? Obviously if the server is lousy, the tip should reflect that, just as excellent service shold be rewarded. If, however, you stiff a server for no other reason than your own cheapness, then I believe there is a special portion of Hell reserved for people like you. Enjoy!


Obviously if the server is lousy, the tip should reflect that

Why would a crappy server deserve a tip at all?

I don't like the way blood money spends.


They wouldn't deserve one, but not tipping at all can be construed as the person just forgot. Giving them pennies shows that you thought the service was terrible.

I hate IMDb sometimes! They are never any  when you need it.


Years ago I worked as a cook and my ex wife was a waitress, so I usually tip well, depending on the restaurant 15-20% or more. Unless wait person is incompetent, then 10% or less. If there was a problem with the food, I don't take it out on the server, I'll tell them or management and get meal comped or discounted, but server will still get a nice tip. But I rarely put money in a"tips" jar at a counter unless it's change less than a quarter.


Tipping is a sly con so owners don't have to pay them.
I've waited at the table and finally realized "I went 4 yr college" so I got out and never looked back.

And for tipping, I moved to the country where I don't have to.
