Dane Cook

Shockingly he didn't ruin this movie!

Quite exciting, this computer magic!


Thought the same thing. He was good in this.


I really liked his character and often find myself quoting him. "God, I can't WAIT to quit this job!"

It's just the guy's stand-up that I don't care for, though seeing him on Louie this past season earned him a bit of respect in my eyes.


Hehe so true so true!


Yeah, agree. But I still don't like him.


'Carpe deez nuts' is one of my favourite phrases, mostly because most people I know have no idea where it's from...



I think him and a few other comedians are good in small doses. It is when they are the lead or have a bunch of scenes that you see how bad their acting is. Plus he was pretty much paying himself as a cook.

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Cook pretty much nailed the role of Floyd, the Grill Chef. Like all specialist cooks in this milieu, he tends to see himself as a cut above ordinary, the Master of his domain, and a natural leader of others, usually younger persons than he. For all his bluster and self-confidence, it tends to evaporate when he is placed on the spot or called out for his behaviour, as in the climactic 'Goat' scene. Cook played this role well, both as a comedian, and as an actor.


Not sure why he gets so much "hate"...granted I've NEVER seen one of his stand up acts (probably why, right?), but the movies I've seen with him where he's the "star" (Employee of the Month, My Best Friend's Girl and most recently Good Luck Chuck) were actually pretty entertaining...especially Employee of the Month (guilty pleasure of mine I can watch a few times for sure)!

BTW, did anyone get why the new hire hated HIM the most? Dane's "WTF did I do?!?" look around was hilarious...but didn't "get it".

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


Mitch only said that because he wanted everyone to look at Dane Cook so he could do the GOAT the penis showing game.


Glad someone said it. Dead set, whatever idiot thought he could actually be a lead in any film I sincerely hope is on the dole. "Good Luck Chuck" was one of the worst films in recent times, and it's even worse that Jessica Alba was dumb enough to also appear alongside him. Dane Cook hopefully now knows his place, he's much better as a supporting cast member, like he was in this film! The only actor worse than him is Jamie Kennedy, who's pretty much useless in everything he's been in!
