Why $100 bill?

I never understood that when Chet ate at the restaurant and gave the server, Dean the $100 bill after paying. Chet musta been a really nice fella and fell into a lot of money, which he states in the movie, but why tip $100 damn dollars?


He states that he felt like Dean needed it more than he did. In his mind he saw a guy he went to school with who was probably a friend and he was struggling. The only real issue was with Dean, he saw it as the guy pitying him and rubbing it in that he was making big money at that point in his life. Servers and bartenders, myself being one, tend to be a little over sensitive to issues like that.


He didn't tip Dean $100. His bill was $30 and he left DEAN with a $70 tip. Get it right.


Yes look a gift horse in the mouth.
