MovieChat Forums > Waiting... (2005) Discussion > Why Would You F--k With The People Who H...

Why Would You F--k With The People Who Handle Your Food?

Made absolutely ZERO sense to me.


They're just asking for it I suppose. When she said "how hard is your job?" she should've known what was coming. You NEVER say that to anyone, regardless someone that works in a restaurant, because it actually happens to be pretty hectic at times.



In college, I waited tables, and as disgusting as the truth is there were some servers and cooks who did not mind screwing with the food of customers who treated them badly or were rude. It's true what they say, "Don't mess with the people who handle your food!"


Customers that behave this way really do not think very far ahead of their actions. The server is the buffer between the customer and the kitchen. Very little happens to the food that is not sanctioned first by the server. Most cooking staff want their food served on time and at the correct temperature. Nevertheless, people insist on giving their servers a hard time, all too often for reasons that have nothing to do with the restaurant, its food, or its servers. To those customers I have but one piece of advice: stay away from the seafood bisque.


Years ago I went through the drive through at Mcdonalds with a mate who i was buying a breakfast for. The manager said that they ran out and we would have to park and wait for our order to be made up, I was about to reply yeah no worries, when my mate all of a sudden started yelling "This is a &%$#*ing drive through you should be &%$#*ing better prepared you &%$#*ing %$*^s" and so forth, I was deeply embaressed and slunk in to my seat and drove to the designated place. when they finally bought the food out I didn't eat it as even though this was well before this movie came out, I still learned that, you don't abuse the people that prepare your food even if it is Mcdonalds where they are just making it now

Hell is other People


Right. Just don't eat anything that is normally served warm, salty, and fish-flavoured.



I'm American and work in a kitchen, yet I have to say, ^^This. You can't make everyone happy as people have different tastes. There's nothing more childish than messing with someone's food, because they "were stupid jerks." That sort of Fight Club mentality only works when you're a pissed off youth. Time to grow up and do your damn job.


Customers that behave this way really do not think very far ahead of their actions.

And food service workers who would feed another human their bodily fluids have less honor and dignity than most animals.

I don't like the way blood money spends.


Regardless of how deviant the "food handlers" might be it's I'll advised and just plain shortsighted to mess with them. Your neighbors dog shouldn't bite you but if you hop the fence into his yard and it bites then that's your fault. It's common sense.



Ive worked at a few fast food places when I was younger and it came up every now and then that the food did get messed with. But it only happened when somebody was basically ridiculously nasty toward one of us. The lady in this movie IMO got what she deserved.


You got that right. The food has to be awful for me return it. To this day I have returned anything


It takes a very special kind of stupid to think you can treat someone like that without repercussions, and yet people do it. She got what she deserved.


Sad reality, I have been to countries where almost every customer treats a server/waiter/waitress like they are not even human and I think... wow! And they get shocked when people are nice to them!



Jayroo, you seem to be super judgemental. Medication may help.


Treating food service workers badly before getting your food is not only stupid but also pathetic. What gives a person the right to treat others badly? Jerks deserve to have someone take a dump in their chili.
