MovieChat Forums > Waiting... (2005) Discussion > Teaches people NOT to mess with people w...

Teaches people NOT to mess with people who work with the public service.

This movie is the handbook on how NOT to treat those who work in public service. You MUST treat them with respect and courtesy. If you do not then you will regret it. People who like to act like they are above the 'little people' are PRIME candidates for getting screwed with. Not only is this a hilarious gross out movie (the scene of all scenes with the adding of the 'special' sauce to the b!tchy lady's food....)Try if you want, I warn you to those who do not take heed to my warning. If i could go back in time and eff with the people that got on my last nerve i would have TRULY done the worst of worst to them. Call me evil or whatever... but it is what it is. Oh there was this one time... I wasn't working at the time (thank goodness) but the lady was being EXTREMELY annoying! She asked me for some ice cream in a small glass (the ones they serve a small orange juice in to give a better picture) i had just got done 'taking the kids to the pool' and intentionally did not 'clean up' well... anyway, i took the glass and ...I cant say anymore because it is THAT gross. But yeah THATS why you shouldnt eff with your server or people who handle your food...


Also about the hypocritical people who work in a place they loathe yet will work till the very last minute just for tips. The story actually illuminates how stupid people are as whole. Dean decides to decline the Assistant Manager position due to the "suggestions" of his "peers", mind you Leonard had the clarity to give Dean a hint at greatness, yet he took being broke and living with his mom.

Think about how "cool" the place could've been if Dean was AM, and if he went out of his way to make sure the waiters, cooks, and everyone else was getting paid and treated well. What he did was selfish, lets not be coy here, this isn't a Good Will Hunting story, Dean was just a spoiled brat who felt like he would turn into some corporate monster just by getting a raise and a new position. Phawking ridiculous.

"One gay beer for my friend, because he's gay, and one normal beer for me, because I'm normal."


Making $4 an hour slinging food for people that you hate has obviously been very hard on you and your inbred brain.


Then you my friend HAVE obviously eaten plenty of food that has been *beep* with. So maybe you should think twice the next time you decide to openly, talk sh*t about the employees who work with the food you eat. Go jump in a dumpster full of used sanitary products you lame a$$ weasel.

Ok calm down, try not 2 have a kanye. Your being a real big kanye wit this tirade that you goin on.



Wow. You sir, have hit the nail right on the head. All of that i am, a fat 42 year old trailer park resident with 4 kids with different fathers who are currently serving time. How did you know?!!?
You may not eat a chain restaurant like an Applebees or a Fridays but you DO eat at restaurants. And even if you do treat the staff with the utmost respect, which they do deserve, there might be a person in the back who has had a really bad day. So at that i bid you adieu. With your smug attitude i can tell that you are the type who is very anal about an order... which leads me to believe that your food has been tampered with. Next time pass on the mayo. And the secret sauce.

Ok calm down, try not 2 have a kanye. Your being a real big kanye wit this tirade that you goin on.


Mug Murdeen you are quite the fool. I don't have lots of money but I have been fortunate enough to treat my wife to a couple of good meals at very upscale restaurants. A meal even with no wine costing about $200. So yeah a tip at 15% is $30 alone. For one table. And there are plenty of diners with 10 plus people with wine. Think of how much money those careers waiters are racking up! A lot of them probably make more money than the people they are serving. Most waiters are working their way through college to move on to bigger and better things. Some do make a career making big bucks. Point is stop being so damn ignorant. You probably think you have friends when in reality most of them hate you.


I was a cook in a family run restaurant and we had this cook (not me!!) who one time took his "member" and rubbed it all in the tuna sandwich he was making for one of the waitresses. She had no idea of this obviously and I kid you not, she just smiled while she ate the sandwich and commented on how good her sandwich was all day long!!! It was disgusting and funny at the same time. Unreal!!!!!


Sadly enough, even high class establishments with respectable servers can have these problems behind the scenes. Especially when there are inadequate security precautions in the kitchen area.

I worked in one. We wore tuxedo's and sold $275 bottles of wine at a restaurant where the entire menu was written in Italian and had to "inform" the diners on the choices available. As prestigious as we had to appear, it didn't stop the degenerate line cooks in the back from shaping bread into giant phallic nightmares, or breaking virtually every food safety regulation known to man. The "10 second rule" was especially enforced because the Grade 'A' product (namely steak) was expensive to keep stocked.

It happens everywhere there is no camera's.


Wow. As a senior kitchen staffer I frequently talked angry staff OUT of doing horrible things to their customers' food. In seven years I never saw a steak go to the deck (by accident). Once I was asked to serve a banana (it being just after christmas, we actually had some on hand). I sent it out with two fresh, purple plums, one on either side. No charge. The customer roared with laughter, thanked the server, and tipped her well.


Ahahaha... Edible arrangements.

The bread thing where I worked was seriously hilarious. The linecook was 18 (this is where A lot of the problem stems) and he'd bring out these sculpted loafs of bread that we had to chop. Everyone a penis. Once he brought them out by tying 3 (two foot loafs) around his belt hoops and came out a-swingin' In the front. One night I completely lost it and admitted to the host who was nearby that I" never thought in my future I'd ever be circumcizing bread" she looked at what I was talking about and instantly lost it.


Preemptively apologizing for my iPads Autocorrect.


Good point about the 18-year-old line cook. A 66-year-old head chef often displays a similar dynamic.


Way to miss every point in my post entirely. See this is the problem with people who have worked those kinds of jobs. You think you're entitled to something, and if you don't get it, you *beep* with people's food...that's far into the sociopath lane for me to try and sympathize for. How about, I don't know, do your job and accept that people won't bend to your every will simply because you didn't get a dollar or two.

One gay beer for my friend here, because he's gay, and one normal beer for me, since I'm normal.


I think Fight Club did it better.

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