MovieChat Forums > Waiting... (2005) Discussion > Dean should've let Dan fire him...

Dean should've let Dan fire him...

instead of quitting so he can collect unemployment.

Tommy just sold a half a million BRAKE PADS!!!!!!!


You will only be able to collect unemployment if you are let go for no fault of your own like being laid off.

You won't get unemployment if you're fired.

Whoa, that is cool! Come on!


That is false information. You can very well collect unemployment after being fired. Usually if is isn't for missing work then it isn't that hard.



His behavior to the redneck would be a fireable offense for sure.


I'm sure Dean was an at-will employee, so he wouldn't be able to collect unemployment.

If Dean had let Dan fire him, he would have also had Shenanigan's having on record that he was terminated.

So let's say that Dean tries to apply at another establishment, and puts Shenanigan's down on his application/resume. When the establishment calls and asks Shenanigan's if Dean worked there and if he quit or was fired, Shenanigan's could say that they have on file that Dean was fired for whatever reason Dan could think of. Dean probably wouldn't get hired then.



WRONG, over here, in the UK, you can't claim benefits for a few months of you willingly leave your job OR get fired. Only if you get laid off.


Key part of your post: in the UK.
Besides, everyone in this thread is overlooking that since Dan "writes the book" he's going to put fired on his walking papers.

"Your punishment must be more severe."Bane (TDKR)


That's wrong as well, as I'm in the UK, and you CAN claim benefits if you get fired. I know, because I did.

"I've swallowed the Little Book of Calm!!"


He should have gotten fired because he wasn't a very good server. Literally everyone in the movie was more interesting/cheerful than him. Except maybe Calvin.

I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution.


I was thinking the same thing.

Come visit my


Depends on the state. Here in NY, they will give you unemployment almost for any reason even if the ,employer wishes to deny it. Even if you show up late to work, abandon your job, or get fired because you're incompetent and can't handle the work, they will still give you unemployment.

The only case where they wont give you anything is if you were fired for something criminal like stealing or physical violence. Or fired for doing something you agreed to in writing upon hire, that may be documented in an employee guideline book. Which may include soliciting of customers for something not work related, working while intoxicated or under the influence. Thus you must read carefully what you're agreeing to in writing once you get a job, because if you get let go, they will use those reasons to deny you benefits.

Jesus would support Universal Health Care


How much in dollars is unemployment pay in the US? I'm curious.
I own you.


it goes by how much you made at your last job during a specific quarter related to when you lost that job

