Discipline problem x 12

Large families in real life function because children of different ages have different maturity and assume different levels of responsibility, including taking care of the younger children. The family portrayed in this film is a dysfunctional nightmare of disbelief. Give me "The Waltons" any day.


It's true. Plus these kids had no discipline whatsoever, they had no real problems.
When they go to the party, THEY cause the havoc, but then call their mum because it is out of control.
Plus they said to Nora it was a G rated house, but they expect her to behave like a responsible adult.
Sarah needed a smack too!




Totally agree!! I watched it today, and couldn't help but think that the chaos wasn't really caused by the number of children, but the general lack of discipline, consideration and practicality. First of all, if you have 12 kids, do you really need a dog and a frog, too? The youngest twins - the boys - were just straight up brats, I think! I know that they're little but they were whiny, disobedient, the one tossed a dart at his sister, they both threw things at their teacher ... Sarah had WAYY more attitude than a girl her age should have and get away with.

Additionally, though perhaps the father did have mildly selfish motivation in the move, I find it bizarre that the kids though they had they had the right to vote on moving. At the end of the day, it's parents, not children, that make those types of decisions.


Exactly. The kids snuck out to go the party after dad forbade it, and in the next scene thet are calling mom to complain about dad ruining their lives. Mom didn't even back dad up! No discipline..... Sarah was out of control and caused many of the behavior problems of the other kids with her leadership. She needed a good old fashioned butt whipping.


It wouldn't have been funny if the kids were well-behaved. It would be like watching the Duggar's stupid reality show.


Well, in the original Yours, Mine and Ours, they had 17 kids between the two parents, and the kids were well behaved and its a reaaly funny movie. They were mischivious, but they werent annoying brats. Its one of my favourite films Of all times.

Of course, bananas are far more interesting.


Yeah I agree. I don't understand why Tom needed to call a baby-sitter when they had Lorraine and Charlie, plus I am sure Henry and Sarah could have helped out as well. The part where he was calling people for a sitter annoyed me because he kept saying that all 12 needed a sitter. The ones under the age of 12 maybe, but the rest were fine.


The kids stepped out of line sneaking out to the neighbours birthday party but I guess sometimes when someone says don't do that it just encourage's them to do the opposite.



I agree. My cousin has 6 kids and they also homeschool. They all work together as a family similar to the Waltons as my aunt lives with them. The kids are all young adults now the youngest being 18 but I was impressed at how well they all worked together. The oldest use to get up and help start breakfast early in the morning so my cousin tends to the babies who needed a morning feeding. The oldest loved to cook and enjoyed the job. The next in line would help get the other kids up and dressed. I use to joke about hiring the oldest to come to stay with me for a while to help me with my three lol
