MovieChat Forums > Elektra (2005) Discussion > She is an alien?!? (Comics)

She is an alien?!? (Comics)

Elektra has just been killed off in the comics again! Only this time when she died it was revealed that she was a Skrull, an alien shape-shifter! Supposedly the Elektra in the comics and in turn the one the movie is based on has been an alien sleeper agent ever since her resurrection. What a load of fu cking sh it!


It is at times like these that I´m grateful that I stopped reading the comics a while back...

"We all live with our disappointments, Peg. Of course, I have to sleep with mine."


Im seriously thinking about dropping them myself now. This has really pissed me off!


That really does suck. Comics are awesome, when charcatres are in the hands of the right creators (e.g., Frank Miller). But Elektra a Skrull ....?!?!


Ive got everything crossed that the real Elektra is still alive somewhere, but it is looking highly doubtful! She had recently taken over the Hand, which had huge potential, which has been thrown away for a shi tty shock reveal!


the comic is unofficial its a sideline it does not affect the proper elektra series, obviously she is human


It is at times like these that I´m grateful that I never read the comic...

That just ruins the whole thing!!!



She is alive and well now any way.

***Second in the pecking order on the Corrie board!***


Hey what are the main elektra comics? You seem to know since you're reading them lol. I only want to read the good ones.

What comes next in Project Mayhem only Tyler knows...


get the ones by Frank Miller, he is the original creator of the character. The Elektra: Assassin series is my favorite
