MovieChat Forums > Elektra (2005) Discussion > Amazing film. 10 times better than i tho...

Amazing film. 10 times better than i thought it would be

I loved it.

Welcome To Your New Nightmare.


I enjoyed it too.

And not just because of Jennifer Garner. Visually it was stunning. They picked some amazing locations for filming.


I love this movie! Kicks ass.

People need to lighten up.

"The body is meant to be seen, not all covered up."
- Marilyn Monroe


There's not many of us in the world, but I also quite enjoyed this film. :)


I also love this movie. I watched the blu-ray twice this week.


i bought this a few years ago and got around to watching it last week,, why did i wait so long,, this movie is way better than i expected.. and i was pleasantly surprised by it.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
