the walk

what was with the walk that elektra does in this movie, it is really weird kinda like she can't deciede if she wants to be a hooker or an army ranger. i can't believe no one just stopped them halfway through filming the first scene and told the director and actress that it looked stupid. actually i really can because the walk was the least of the movies numerous flaws.

PS sorry for rambleing


I think "the walk" was supposed to show us one side of Elektra's OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Admittedly, it was poorly done and it made no sense why Elektra's OCD was in the movie in the first place. Her OCD didn't even have any part in the main plot.


It looks really exaggerated to say the least.


I loved it. Made me hard. XD

"He drank. He fought. He made his ancestors proud!"
