MovieChat Forums > Elektra (2005) Discussion > This movie would have been better if

This movie would have been better if

The storyline didn't focus mostly on Elektra and Abbie because I wanted to see more of Jen without the girl. It would have also been better if Abbie wasn't in the movie. I do admit though Jen is the only one who can act which is why I saw the movie. Since I never saw Daredevil or red the comics and knowing I never will then I don't want to compare the two. If Jen wasn't in this movie to begin with then I probably wouldn't have watched it because she is the only one with talent.

Demi rocks



If you watch the directors cut DVD, there are some great fight scenes between Jen and each of the villains. Why whomever choose to not put them in the movie is beyond me. Instead they show her running for like 15 minutes in the woods. It still made me a Jen Garner fan though, she was fantastic in it.


It would be even more better if it had Bullseye, not just because he's a better character than half of those in the film, but because of the whole revenge thing. If I were Elektra, the first thing on my mind is revenge. It's like she completely forgot him...


It would have been nice to see her really kick butt. She NEVER at any point in the movie aside from the opening seemed dangerous or bad@$$. All she did was twirl those darn sais. Some cool hand-to-hand would have made her seem a lot more deadly. I LOVE Jennifer Garner and she has definitely proven that she can pull off bad@$$. Why they didn't let her is beyond me...


I agree the movie would have been better without the girl, or if the girl were somewhat less defiant and more respectful. In other words, the girl should have been a more charming, trusting but still strong version of Elektra. Also, Typhoid Mary and Elektra should have had a blazing hand-to-hand combat fight before Typhoid's end. That would have been awesome.

I could have done without the OCD bit. It added nothing to the film. It's a shame because the film had so much promise and mostly delivered in other areas. The kid and the OCD messed up a lot, though.

