MovieChat Forums > Elektra (2005) Discussion > Hollywood interpretation of Elektra all ...

Hollywood interpretation of Elektra all wrong

It amazes me how Hollywood film studios who are so intent on tailoring a unique comic book character into some shallow movie franchise can be so disconnected with the genre of comic books.

So many of these beloved characters have ethnic roots and their personalities are complex and multilayered. Such is the case with Elektra who has greek origins and her character, as many other posters noted, is much more manipulative and sinister in the comics. This one dimensional representation from Fox and Jennifer Garner's stoic performance misses the mark on so many levels.

When I read Elektra as a kid, she represented the ultimate TnA fantasy for a young boy and her adventures were total sword and sorcery cheese fests. Perhaps Fox wanted to present a more straight forward, action movie heroine in this incarnation of Elektra, but in doing so, they totally sucked the life and soul out of the original, buxom and feisty Elektra.

So in lies the question, can Hollywood stay true to a dark comic book hero and still make it entertaining and profitable? Why sure it can! I thought The Crow and Sin City were worthy efforts which managed to turn a profit and stay true to their dark comic book origins. But I don't think the makers of Elektra were even remotely interested in staying true to Elektra's saucy, fun origins. From Jennifer Garner's collegiate, all-American appearance to the presence of the annoying Abby/sidekick character, it's apparent that Fox wanted a family friendly, socially acceptable movie vehicle.
