MovieChat Forums > Welcome to Mooseport (2004) Discussion > Maura Tierney is a bitch in this

Maura Tierney is a bitch in this

She keeps shunning Handy and for the life of me I can't figure out what drew her to him in the first place.


I enjoyed the movie but you're right. She was a bit of a biatch towards Handy. First of all she has 6 years invested in him so obviously she must love him. Playing games with his feelings after investing so much time is a sure way of losing him for good. He clearly loved her and going on a date with the ex president after he had asked her not to was just mean. He even told her that if her intention was to make him jealous in doing so she succeeded but she went on the date anyway. Then she gets angry with him for showing up at the restaurant telling him to "get the hell out here". When he says he's campaigning she tells him that he's "making a fool" of himself. She then ignores him when he comes to her house later that night saying he wants to talk.

She cheers when the ex president wins the opportunity to speak first at the debate. When asked at the debate if he was available since Sally was now dating the ex president she had a smug look on her face as she looked up at Handy. He says that he may not have been the best boyfriend but thought they had a good thing going. Telling her that he cares about her. He then asks her if she's going out with the ex president or him. She doesn't answer, just stands up and leaves. She gets made at him for addressing their relationship in front of everyone. He asks her again if it's him or the ex president. After a brief argument, she pushes him to the ground as she walks away.

She comes to his house and returns all his things telling him that she won the president from his aide. She's mad at him for playing golf to win a person. He wants to explain but she doesn't let him. He tries to give back a christmas gift he gave her that she mistakenly put in the box but she refuses it and leaves.

So overall she WAS mean (maybe cruel) towards him along with being a bully. For a woman who wanted him to ask her to marry him, she did everything possible to discourage it. I certainly wouldn't have if someone treated me like that.

I would have preferred to see him dump Sally; leaving her to the ex president to chase after then go for Mandy who obviously had the hots for him. It would have served Sally right for the way she treated him.
