MovieChat Forums > Welcome to Mooseport (2004) Discussion > Can a former president run for another e...

Can a former president run for another executive term?

I believed ex presidents couldnt be eligible for any kind of new terms, so its accuracy this character run for mayor?


No a president is just not allowed to run for another term as President. He can run for a different office. Just most don't because there is no reason to run for a lower position and also most presidents are pretty old when they get out of office.




The poster above responded correctly. I'd also like to point out that although they aren't executive terms, John Quincy Adams went on to a long and successful career in the House of Representatives after he was President, and that William Howard Taft was named Chief Justice after his presidency.

I asked the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Also, Andrew Johnson was elected to the Senate although he died after just attending one session. Likewise, John Tyler was elected to the Confederate House or Senate but died brfore attending a session.

As has been said earlier, they can run for any other office after being President but I think most of them don't want to risk embarrassment by losing like Gene Hackman did in this movie. The country would probably benefit if they would actually seek another office or if the constitution established a post like Life Senator like some other nations do for former presidents and vice presidents.

Of course, right now, we seem to have a lot of Senators and Congressmembers for Life now since it is almost impossible to get incumbents out once they get in. I won't atart anything here in what is supposed to be a forum for entertainment.
