This is Gonna Be Amazing!

The subject is pretty self explanatory, but I just saw the trailer, this movie looks amazing, not to mention hilarious. Hahaha... what do you all think about the trailer?

"You're off the edge of the map mate ... Here there be monsters."


It definitely looked good! Ray Romano is really funny on his own, and with that great cast, it'll hopefully be even better!


I was in the film (a pretty good part too!), and I KNOW it's gonna be great. Donald Petrie knows his comedy, and he's an actors best audience, stifling guffaws during takes. The premiere is in Hollywood, Feb 10, so this Canadian is flying down for the event.


who were you?


He probably wasn't in it, But if he was, that's kool!

"You're off the edge of the map mate ... Here there be monsters."


