MovieChat Forums > Welcome to Mooseport (2004) Discussion > This is the worst film that I have ever ...

This is the worst film that I have ever seen...

and I shall recommend it to all of my friends because it is so bad that you can laugh at the horrendousness of it with more gusto than you would if you were laughing at any of the 'jokes'.

Someone here mentioned that it cost $30m to make. Welcome to Mooseshit.

I think my girlfriend summed it up well by simply calling it execrable. Do any of you have better words to describe it?



Now that is funnier than the film.


Horrible thats a word I would use to describe this movie.Not funny and a big waste of talent and im only talking about Gene Hackman and Marcia Gay Harden.


Okay, I own some pretty bad movies that are actually watchable..."Troop Beverly Hills" comes to mind. This movie was just AWFUL.

Is it just me or is Ray Romano a-sexual?? There was sub-zero chemistry on that screen between him and the lady protagonist. My god, what a waste of film.

"The first thing you lose on a diet is brain mass"

-Margaret Cho


come on.. it wasn't THAT bad


The only thing that you can bring yourself to laugh at is how bad it is.


You are so very right. We watched this last night and was expecting something that would at least afford us a chuckle. No such luck. I like Romano and I really like Hackman. But this movie just plain sucked.

I'm surprised Hack would make such a crappy movie.



It depends on your measure of bad. It may have been marginally better than some radio commercials, but i'm going to need proof.


This was one of the worst things to come out of the world of cinema. I sometimes curse myself for my "watch it till the end" rule.

It was supposed to be funny? I really didn't get that. Not one laugh. No good acting at all. Terrible Plot. In a word..... (I'll leave someone else to find the word)



I have now also seen Birth, which rivals the threshold of poorness set out by Welcome to Mooseport. Saying that, at least it didn't have Nobody Likes Ray in it.


I just don't understand why people think Ray Romano is funny. This movie confirms it.

In the movie, his character Handy explains why he is afraid to take a chance on taking his relationship further. He explains that his girlfriend is so great, and he always expected someone else better would come along and she would leave him for the other guy. I immediately thought "Good instincts."


I've never seen his show but RAy played the most annoying character ever in this movie. Oviously the original poster has never seen the Whole Ten Yards because then this would only be the second worst movie ever.



Romano took this one on the chin, but he was funny in what he said about the critics on Dinner For Five. He quoted one who said, ""Romano's a small-screen vampire, and 35mm is his sunlight."

"Put the bunny in the box!"


was it just me, or was sally a total beyotch to handy the entire movie? i didn't like her character at all (not that i liked any of the characters) and their love story was pretty unbelievable.

why are you wearing that stupid man suit? -dd


I can't honestly say it SUCKED, but it was a large disappointment. It had a lot of potential, and it didn't make me laugh much.



Most definitely.



i'm scared


Of the threat or that someone liked it?



this film is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!

The Ingenious Abby Lockhart


you gotta be kidding, right? this movie? funny?! aaaahahahahha!!!!
Now, that movie was really the worst i've seen so far! I liked better Mariah Carey's "Glitter"! Honestly! And, i usually always have something good to say, even for a very bad movie, but...nothing to say on this one!!! What the hell was doing Gene Hackman there? Damn, i love the guy, why the hell he did the movie!?


I can't believe that Ray Romano is a star. The depth of his talent is nothing short of pathetic. Plus, why would Gene Hackman lend his talent to this huge piece of crap, not to mention Marcia Gay Harden. What were they thinking.



forgive me, I actually enjoyed it.

Guess its like how I felt about the movie Snakeeyes most people ripped that too



The weird thing is that it seems like it would be a pretty decent movie when you look at it on paper. Romano can be funny - and is right for the role. Gene Hackman obviously works as an ex-President - and Christine Baranski & Rip Torn can usually be relied upon for really good laughs.

But that's not the case with this movie. It's just really BAD. The writing is idiotic. The direction is confused & inconsistant....and those elements just bleed upon the actors & make it all very VERY bad. The basic plot of it is somewhat cute & funny (an ex-President gets involved in a local election in his hometown which gets blown out of proportion). But right after that basic plot setting, it quickly becomes ridiculous & unfunny.


Must have been the only (or first) movie you'd ever seen then.

"Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen."
-John Mason
