MovieChat Forums > Welcome to Mooseport (2004) Discussion > What was audience reaction like in theat...

What was audience reaction like in theaters?

I just watched this on DVD and thought this was a very nice movie I just saw. The previews make it look hilarious and while I did find it funny, it wasn't as funny or neccessarily in the same way as the previews made it look. I thought the humor was a little more subtle, or maybe a little more spaced out along the story. However, when the movie went for the laughs, I thought it really got them. I was laughing a lot in a few spots. What was the laughter like in theaters?



now that's comedy


Actually that's it's lowest form.


Subtle humor?? like when she keeps punching him, or when a ladder falls on the President's head, or dogs humping? You must think 'Green Acres' was Kafka.


i went to see it in the middle of the day on a wednesday so there weren't many ppl...there were laughs and yes they were spaced out...the golfing part tho, was by far the most laughed out scene tho i probably laughed harder than most there...what i believe which most of u morons are too ignorant to notice, was the movie was VERY unpredictable...yes VERY...f*ckers


I never guessed Ray would end up with the girl or that the President and teh secretary would hook up! Astounding!


The golf scene was so predictable as to border on precognition. The entire "I get to throw one ball" gag is as old as St. Andrews. Didn't Don Johnson pull a similar trick on Kevin "Lips Move When He Reads" Costner in Tin Cup?

The only redeeming quality of this movie was Reagan Pasternak and we simply didn't see enough of her in all her magnificent gorgeous glory.

And Ray Romano and Maura Tierney? That's like casting Harvey Firestein with Charlize Theron. No doubt I snorted audibly at this odorous faux pas.

A deplorable movie. It reminded me of the time I had incontinence.


"And Ray Romano and Maura Tierney? That's like casting Harvey Firestein with Charlize Theron. No doubt I snorted audibly at this odorous faux pas. "

Wow, that comment was so superficial. If you think that love is based on looks then you need to grow up- otherwise you'll have a very miserable life ahead of you.

I mean that in the nicest way of course....


This is where you -- as an educated viewer -- agree that these people are projected onto a screen, removing one dimension from their physical being, literally making them two dimesional, which means I get to judge them using the same measuring stick.

Please find a single instance where I comment on their physical appearances? They had no chemistry together.




I only wish this movie was as funny as Green Acres.




picket lines. a hunger strike.

Season's Greetings
