Filmed in my small town

Parts of this movie were filmed in my town. it's not that big at all. It's in Ontario, Canada. About 45 minutes away from Toronto. Home town of Curtis Joseph, yes I do mean the hockey goalie in the NHL!


You should have thrown lettuce and other spoiled vegetables at them, while shouting "Booooooo" as they were filming.



I live 15 minutes away from Port Perry, where it was filmed. I even met Gene Hackman!! I saw some of the filming; alas I did not get to meet Ray Romano which would have been totally cool!! My mom and brother were extras in it too!

I get so excited whenver I watch the movie because I get to see Port Perry downtown and I remember all the decor they put up, like the painted fire hydrants and the Handy Handyman sign!



yey i got to be an extra too and was in the scene in port perry..the election one bc im family friends with one of the producers, im not sure if he was a producer in it but he was part of the production crew. and i got to meet ray romano but only bc i got to stay on the set the whole day, it was cool..and molelelele from austin powers..fred savage hah there were a lot of ppl in this film..that everyone would recognize it was cool!



You sound proud. I would be embarassed that even Port Perry has to act as a stand in for an American town complete with American flags and American trappings. It's demeaning and embarassing, just as it is for Toronto. Are we supposed to be grateful that Hollywood exploits Canada this way. Sure, they drop a few bucks but what is the price of pride?


cool im from port Perry too
Emily Vancamp is from port perry too



My cousins were in town while the old guy was running down the street naked...they saw that being filmed....I own a trailer across the lake off of Island Road and it was pretty cool hearing all the info about the movie, that is the only reason y I watched it, cuz it was filmed in Port seeing the stores in the film, I reconnized so many stores, just different names....

on a side note...all u who go to port ne of u know a Kris Barchuk? and a Britany Richards?


"A Jedi Shall Not Know Anger, Nor Hatred, Nor Love"


I know both Kris and Britany through friends.

It was quite the scene at the AMC in Whitby on opening night, hooting and hollaring went on throughout the whole film. It was funny when everyone cheered as the movie began and we got the nice shot of downtown Port Perry.

Not the best movie in the world, but it was still interesting and exciting to have a film being shot in your hometown. I went down and met Ray, Gene, Maura, Fred, Rip, etc. etc. with a few friends. It was certainly something I won't forget being a big movie buff.

I would have loved to get the big Welcome to Mooseport sign, but at least a local business owner adopted it and gave it a good home rather than seeing it go to the landfill.


Wasn't it filmed in brantford?
