
Does anyone else who actually lives in Maine, think this movie is really unrealistic. One thing I don't know any town that would let a man run nude through town, and the fact they only used the word "Wicked" once, in reference to the Wicked witch of the west, so did not *beep* embrace, Mainer's use of the term. Then to have Ray Romano, be the Main character, just seems really unbelievable. The character is obviously someone whose ancestors settled in the town, but they probaly would not have been italian. I mean I thought the movie was funny, but I really think the writer should have really done some more research, or just not based the movie in Maine to begin with. Probaly the writer is some annoying out-of-stater, who comes to stay in Maine for the summers, and then feels he has some grasp on our culture. If I am wrong on this, call me out.


"The character is obviously someone whose ancestors settled in the town, but they probaly would not have been italian..."

Harrison is italian...?


You have a culture in Maine ? Wicked...

“Instant gratification takes too long.”
