MovieChat Forums > Dawn of the Dead (2004) Discussion > Final goodbye from an original Dawnie!

Final goodbye from an original Dawnie!

Now that the boards are closing, this old school Dawnie has come back for a final look around the place and to see who is still here and who is new and never knew the classic topics such as

• How would you kill Andy?
• Why not make a pulley system?
And, of course
• Are You Prepared?

If you've never heard the phrases "twunt", "suckticide" or "TBM", you missed out on the glory days of this board.

The Team Zombie debates. The custom alterations for the mock up version of this page and my Walmart inspired review of Dawn of the Dead 2004.

This was a place where we mocked the ones we hated... and mocked the ones we loved.

A board where "he-hos" coexisted with ladies in zombie fighting corsets. Where an entire board was accused of sexism and racism attacks on someone we didn't know was female or black. A place Spectre was a respected member.

Gone are the days of conspiracy theories where Chips the Dog was the mastermind behind it all, the mathematical equations proving you couldn't shoot an arrow to Andy's and wondering who was in the burning tower several weeks after the outbreak.

Gone forever will be the threads explaining of why they needed to leave instead of staying at the mall, pointing out to people that Vivian was a neighbor girl/not Ana's daughter and using Google maps/street view to find the shooting location for Ana's house and discover 2 different houses 2 doors down from each other were used in filming for different angled shots.

A final goodbye to Zombie Santa Claus, the birth place of the Zombie Watch, the "Simon" gag that followed over from Land of the Dead, the few rounds of Left 4 Dead we had, sequel ideas with Sam Jackson and wondering to this day if TZ_Pimento is still alive.

In closing, let me quote Pixie on YouTube and say "shout out to my Dawnies!" Don't sell yourself that dream!

When there is no more room online, the nerds will walk the Earth


The days when we went through about 30 schemes to get food to Andy then saw many threads called "How would you feed Andy?", leading into the classic spectre thread "How would you kill Andy?"...


come at me bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

it's me, spectre.

where's cheesy?!

and hiya alice!


Hi spectrical!


Remember me, dude? I was one of the few posters that made a "How would you get food to Andy? thread.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


I remember you, Wesker. I think we bumped into each other on a few of these boards.

When there is no more room online, the nerds will walk the Earth


So long Dawnies, it was a good ride

shout out loud!

drop your linen and start your grinning 


Maybe this is it, maybe the nerds WILL now walk the earth ????


This is the board that got me to join this site in the first place

