MovieChat Forums > Dawn of the Dead (2004) Discussion > damn this movie scared me so bad

damn this movie scared me so bad

I was in the 8th grade when this movie came out and I remember watching it in theaters and being terrified.

You can't persuade fanboys. You'd be better off trying to convince a wall. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~



Rewatch it and not be!


1st time i saw it i was 30....the beginning scared the poop out of me


That's kind of unfortunate, being scared by this

Don't give up the fight for truly independent cinema!


Unfortunate, what do you mean? I am over 40 and I was super scared by the first third of the movie. Then it got more into a vibe I prefer in my zombie fiction, where it was more about quiet moments interspersed with action instead of dread and chills.

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I can't remember a single scary scene from this movie, but if zombies frighten you then that's cool I guess. You do know they're fictional and a zombie outbreak can and never will happen, right? You'll never see the dead rising from their graves, mark my words.

Don't give up the fight for truly independent cinema!


So you're only scared by scenes of normal humans killing each other, or maybe sharks and such? Even there, you know it's all just "make believe" and the actors don't die, right? I kind of feel bad for you if you can't "suspend your disbelief" and become immersed in the story.

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I have no problem suspending my disbeliefs and getting involved in the story, but this movie didn't have much of a story to begin with

Don't give up the fight for truly independent cinema!


Lmao. I saw this movie when it came out, I was 8 or 9 years old. It was *beep* terrifying. Even now when I watch the film it still gives me chills. (I've seen it probably 20+ times and I still get the sensation I felt after seeing it for the first time).

Great movie.
