MovieChat Forums > Dawn of the Dead (2004) Discussion > One of the dumbest scenes in the movie h...

One of the dumbest scenes in the movie history

All the havoc created in the bus toward the end of the movie, slaying a girl with the chainsaw, rich douche got killed and the Best Buy guy got bitten, ALL that because ONE zombie was clinging OUTSIDE the bus?? LOL! They could have killed him in hundreds different ways, and yet they choosed the worst possible one. LOL!


Not really.

I thought chasing the dog was worse.


Uhh, no. Dumbest scene in movie history is Jennifer Aniston as a, get this, femme fatale. Lol! Now THATS dumb!


The entire movie was dumb. When they were sitting in the mall like "I don't wanna die in here. Me neither." I was thinking "Yeah well, you're gonna die outside jackass". They all died. But that stupid woman and her dog was the worst. I wanted to kick the *beep* out of her.


I like the film, but this is the scene I have the most problems with. Timid aged church organist deciding to kill one straggler with the chainsaw he's never handled before in a moving vehicle, and turning it on while facing a friend? No. Few people are that stupid without having suffered a brain injury.

The girl running after the dog is slightly more believable, for several reasons. It was shown in earlier scenes that she'd grown attached to that dog, having lost 4 family members and having to live in a JC Penny or whatever for two weeks. And the other characters did react to her doing it as surprising and foolish. None of these people knows what the others are thinking or how far over the edge they are, which would have been better setup by a more competant filmmaker.

The other place logic falls apart is Andre keeping Luda hidden from the others without them knowing she's infected or asking about her. Had that happened the day they arrived, maybe, but it shouldn't have immediately followed the "settling-in montage".

It (the OP scene) was still a horrific, powerful, memorable scene; it's just overshadowed as soon as it ends by how dumb or how unlucky those people are expected to be.


Agree 100%. It made absolutely no sense, although I understood that it was needed to advance the plot.

Two other scenes that bothered me:

-After Andy opens the door for Chips to walk into his store, he leaves in open for like 5 seconds, allowing zombies to enter. I know he was sick and tired, but still.

-After Anna retrieves the boat key and runs back to the bus, she turns around to have everyone pick her up, which results in Mike getting bitten. The bus was seriously like two feet off the ground, and could've jumped in no problem.

Don't get me wrong I love this movie nonetheless!


I'll always love this movie but watching again this morning I agree - that scene with them getting upset about one zombie hanging onto their bus was ridiculous. That thing would have probably fallen off eventually the way they were driving.


How about when Steve notices blood dripping onto his arm, looks up to see the zombie and just leaves himself wide open as he screams and then the zombie leaps onto him ? I also found it hard to believe that they could remove the manhole cover and slide it across the pavement without any zombies noticing (it was somewhat loud), but they hear it as it lands securely into place.
