So in the end (SPOILERS)

They all die?


Maybe. Maybe not...


I'd say so. The island was swarmed with zombies and the only alternative was jumping into the ocean. No way they'd survive.


Lake Michigan, not the ocean. But I agree, they all died.


Lake Michigan. My bad.


Yes they died. No way out.

The island was overrun with zombies and they were already off the boat when the zombies started to charge. And it looked like there were hundreds of them. Probably included some other survivors who had gone to the island too and were turned into zombies.

I guess the dog survived though.


CHIPS ..!!


I'm on the side of them not surviving but this brings me back to the IMDB board days where there would be detailed threads dedicated to this sort of debate and how they did in fact get off the island. Good times...


IMDB removed one of its best features. Crazy. At least MovieChat came to the rescue.


Mind boggling tbh. MovieChat doesn't hit the same and Reddit sure as hell ain't cuttin it.


IMDb was a good time. I'm glad we have Moviechat, but it doesn't get the same traffic. Websites turned to crap all in an effort to stick it to Trump.


It's definitely a political shit show. Also doesn't help that there seems to be bare-minimum maintenance too. Adopting features from say a Reddit to increase engagement would definitely liven this place up.


I have to join in. I will forever fucking hate IMDB for shutting down their boards. It was the ONLY highly trafficked place to go to discuss any movie. Moviechat is ok and I'm glad we have an alternative but it's not the same. Even the most obscure films would have at least a few comments on the old IMDB boards but here they're empty and, due to the low traffic this place gets, they're going to stay that way. Fuck IMDB.


Yep. If the zombies on the island didn't get them, there wasn't hope on Lake Michigan. Thanks Stu. You run a really tight ship.


The question is, SHOULD the movie showed their deaths before the credits rolled?


No because we wouldn't be here today discussing it 😄!


Haha. I guess it leaves us debating....


It's a fun scenario to imagine. You just had everyone killed again and you're stuck on Stu's boat in Lake Michigan. The engine is dead and the only lure you have is leftover adult film props. How long do you have?


I was left with the impression that they all died.
