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What does the brownie quote mean?

Jerry: Weren't you a boy scout Tom?
Tom: No, but I ate a brownie once

if someone could please tell me



Thank you


Actually, thats incorrect.

A brownie is the female version of a boy scout. This is a blatant sexual innuendo.


Technically, a girl scout is the female version of a boy scout. Brownies are one down from Girl Guides, like Beavers are to Scouts. If Tom ate a brownie as in sexually, that'd be paedophilia. Brownies can only be from about 7 to about 10 years old.
A brownie is like a chocolate biscuit-cake thing, as well. That's all he meant, he ate one once.

@_@ Lufflebunny Gets Obsessed easily @_@


Doesn't have to be pedophilia. Who's to say he didn't pleasure a brownie when he was a kid or a pre-teen? Everyone has literally chewed and digested the desert brownie. That's not funny. I have a dirty mind so I got it right away. Hilarious!


www.dictionary.com and look up cunnilingus



Brownies are girl scouts.
"Ate" as in he performed oral sex on her.

"No worries, no responsibilities, just living in the moment."-Jerry Conlaine (Without A Paddle)
