MovieChat Forums > Arrested Development (2003) Discussion > A joke/reference I totally missed until ...

A joke/reference I totally missed until recently

I think it's in 'Afternoon Delight' when the Banana Stand is pulled from the sea - there is a message that says 'i'll get u Bluth' and underneath 'Bluth' it says 'Hello' obviously referencing that Annyong did the graffiti

It's probably a 'duh, how didn't you know that' reference to some but i honestly believe that is genius

That's what's so good about AD, the layered references and jokes that require several viewings to pick up on

Like Season 4, despite the lack of family interactions, poor character-centric plots, episode lengths (37 minutes for one episode!!!), new characters,
it's genius in terms of the complexity of the connections and the layered jokes (like Maeby being in India as the Shaman)

Is AD the smartest sitcom of all time?


Well that would be a joke that you wouldn't get until you learned more information down the road.


Well of course you would get an obvious reference like that with additional information like that, you're a robot!


I've watched this show at least as many times as Lindsey's been pregnant (which is to say, "Oh yeah, dozens of times"), but I don't think I've ever noticed the banana stand graffiti that you pointed out.
I mean, I saw that there was graffiti on it, of course, but I don't think I ever noticed what it said. Dude, thank you!!

And to answer your question, yes, I'm pretty sure it is the smartest sitcom of all time.
