MovieChat Forums > Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Discussion > 6 Ways Willy Wonka 1971 Is Better Than T...

6 Ways Willy Wonka 1971 Is Better Than Tim Burton's Remake

Tim Burton's remake of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory had several significant differences, but it still didn't compare to its 1971 predecessor.


I definitely prefer the original. But the remake wasn't too bad. Most remakes suck but this one was at least decent.


I like this remake better than the original, but the remake did not diminish my love of the original.


Being 66, I of course grew up with the 1971 version, but one change they made from the book was a significant one - a mistake I wondered about even when I was a kid.

In the original film, the kids all do something against Willie's direct orders and get punished for it - fair enough - but Charlie does the same thing when he steals the fizzy lifting drinks. He disobeyed a direct order just like the other kids but the other kids got sent home and he got a second chance.


Charlie was the only one who was punished. None of the other kids received the tongue lashing that he did. The others just injured themselves out of the contest.


None of the other kids received the tongue lashing that he did.

True, but none of the other kids received a chocolate factory or, more importantly, a second chance either.

The difference between Charlie and the others was that Charlie was given a second chance after he stole the drinks, something none of the others were offered. What Augustus did was no different than what Charlie did - he drank from the river when told not to then fell in the river polluting it. Charlie stole the drinks and polluted the venting tower. Charlie got a second chance and Augustus got chocolate in his crotch.

The fact remains that Charlie was in fact no better than any of the other kids who disobeyed a direct order - a major gaffe.
