MovieChat Forums > Two and a Half Men (2003) Discussion > If this show was real life....

If this show was real life....

After Walden bought the house and let Alan stay there for a bit, Walden was starting to get sick of Alan. If it was real life don't you think Walden would've said, "Here's $10 million Alan, now leave."

If it was real life, how long would you put up with Alan if you were a billionaire?



That is no way relevant to what I said in the OP!! lol


"This show is NOTHING like real life and a REAL GOOD looking woman with a good heart and personality would never put up with a man like Charlie is in this show."

I agree, the show is nothing like real life, except that really good-looking women actually DO flock to high-status men, like Charlie.

"Put up"? Well, maybe not. put out? Definitely.

The thing is, there are no such thing as 'good-looking women with good heart and personality', as far as I know. So in that sense, you are right.

However, what you are probably trying to do, is lie about 'Charlielike men' and their success with attractive, young, sexy women, because you don't want people to know what makes women lust for a man.

Women get aroused by status. Women seek and flock to men with status.

Charlie is a man with status. End of story.

However, I can open this up a bit more than you tried to close it down.

Status simply means 'high place in the hierarchy between men in a way that's signifigant to women's arousal'.

If you are a chess club president, you have low status.

If you are a mediocre member in a biker gang, you have high status.

If you are a master at 8-bit video games, you have low status.

If you are a wealthy youtuber, you have a high status.

There are many forms of high status, and one could probably never list them all. All of these elicit a sexual arousal reaction in women.

One such status form is 'preselection', for example. It means that some women (or woman) have selected the man, so other women instantly know the man has value.

Charlie has many forms of status, let's see..

1) Musician (how many alcoholic guitarists have drank all of some woman's money? And yet the women go back to this guy)

2) Extremely wealthy / rich (self-explanatory - ever since cavewomen times, women have flocked to those men with most resources - this is probably evo-psychology 101)

3) Charismatic and witty ('animal magnetism' + 'social intelligence' = super arousing for women)


4) Natural alpha (knows what to do, isn't afraid of women, and has the guts to do what he wants in a very playfully demanding way)

5) Knows how to read women (and open bras with a flick of a wrist)

6) Confident, knows what he wants, playful, humorous, etc.

7) Owns a friggin' Malibu beach house

8) Isn't desperate, isn't clingy, doesn't really care what the women think or feel

9) Good in bed, knows how to trigger women's sexuality and how to satisfy it as well

And so forth and so on.

Notice I didn't mention his good looks - they are a factor, but only superficially - about as much as a woman's profession has something to do with what an alpha male looks for in a woman. Sure, knowing a woman is a flight attendant can bring some extra excitement into the already-existing attraction, but if the woman is a dog, no profession is going to change the repulsion. The meter won't even flinch from profession alone (just like a woman's arousal doesn't even bother yawning in the man's direction from good looks alone).

In real life, this guy would have more women than he has in the show (and Charlie Sheen's life proves this to be true).

It's not the 'what kind' of a man someone is that women 'put up' with, it's the status that makes the gina tingle, so the animal in the woman has no choice but to lust for him. Nothing you say will change this fact.


I doubt Alan would be offered 1 million let alone 10 in real life. He'd be lucky enough to get 50 thousand dollars to split between himself, jake and whoever else.


I think the idea was that both Charlie and Walden had codependent relationships with Alan. They were both lonely golden boys who didn’t want to be alone and neither one could sustain LTR’s with women. So while they complained about Alan, they secretly needed him around and sometimes even admitted it.


Well, it's the old 'ugly hag looks better when accompanied with even uglier hag'-syndrome, except with men and charisma (status, etc.)

Charlie doesn't really need Alan for anything (what does Alan really give Charlie, except stress, when you think about it?), but he gets used to how he can utilize Alan in many ways.

Compared to Alan, Charlie looks even more alpha, and Alan is always a good butt of a joke, which makes it easy to see how much better Charlie's own life is compared to Alan's misery.

No matter what kind of hangover Charlie is suffering from, seeing that Alan's life is always worse, gives Charlie the useful contrast he can use to alleviate his possible guilt or other bad feelings.

There's also the 'provider' aspect of the whole situation; Charlie can feel like a grand benefactor, when he lets Alan mooch off of him so much. He can then use this as leverage, whenever he wants.

So although it's not REALLY 'co-dependency', as Charlie doesn't really need Alan for anything, from Charlie's point of view, it's always nice to have someone to show off to, someone that envies you, someone that you can compare yourself to favourably (for you), and someone to use in all these psychological ways I described in this post.

Being brothers, of course there's sometimes even real 'comradery' (camaraderie?), and opportunities for Charlie to show that he's not completely heartless, as he does help Alan quite a lot.

I don't think Charlie was ever any 'lonely golden boy' (whatever THAT means), but more like 'a man doing whatever he wants, with lots and lots of attractive company around'.

People are trying to put down Charlie, but when you think about the first season's Charlie, you can realize this is most likely just envy - what man wouldn't want to do whatever he wants, and life a life based on freedom and his own, chosen path, just the way Charlie Harper does / has / did?

The cat is out of the bag, and the marriage scam is dying. Good riddance! Freedom FTW!


If it was real life Charlie would probly have HIV due to too many porn star parties
oh wait
