MovieChat Forums > Jurassic World (2015) Discussion > Were we supposed to like Claire, at all?

Were we supposed to like Claire, at all?

Her character didn't seem to flinch when she learned people were dying. She didn't as promised, keep an eye on her nephews.

Why did her sister give her a hug? Were we supposed to forgive her because they seemed to?


What would the parents even need to forgive her for? Obviously the parents were happy everyone was alive. She did track down save the kids. What kind of sh-tty person are you that you wouldn't hug a relative because they got sidetracked by WORKING that two kids old enough to take care of themselves weren't chaperoned the whole time? It's not like she let a toddler wander off. Jeez.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


The OP must have watched a completely different film than the rest of us or something because it was quite obvious to anyone with common sense that Claire changed during the course of the film. You can clearly see that by her reaction to the dying sauropod and how moved she was by it. Her reactions to the military men dying and the raptors chasing Owen were all emotional as well later on as well as other moments.

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.


but it is implied they can do something, possibly bringing Spock back to life.

Well said. Apparently people just HAVE to bitch about anything.

Interesting quote, wolfbynyt, where did you get that from??

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


I just watched all of her running and "near misses" with these killer dinosaurs and kept thinking she's doing all of this in heels? No falls, no twisted ankles? WTH? Those heels would've been broken or long lost the first time she had to sprint.


Well, there you have it: the heels broke early on, so it became more comfortable for her to run around


I just suspend disbelief a little and go with the "they were very, very expensive and well-made heels" reasoning. Helps keep your head from hurting. I mean she was probably making good money at that job after all. Just saying.

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.


Claire was my favorite character


I'm with you. There are people who think Zara deserved her death (although more are defending her than before) but not only did Claire deserve it before her but her sister just sends her kids to her knowing how unattentive she is? How about you go along with them. Oh, and the kids! I was rooting for them to get eaten, especially the older one


She was fabulous, and had great character development, she is only reason I have rewatched this film.

"I am like Cryptonite to men. Cryptonite dipped in cellulite!"


Forgive her for what? What the hell am I reading?

Ha-ha! I threw that *beep* before I walked in the room!


Every single character bored or underwhelmed me, including Claire, but I think she's the only one with an honest shot at improving in the sequels. Unless JA Bayona manages to get some actual input into the next film's script, I get the impression Colin and Derek are content maintaining the dull-as-hell tough guy persona for Owen, while Claire might actually have a genuine shot at, you know, developing. Whether that development is put to good use is a different story entirely.
