MovieChat Forums > Reno 911! (2003) Discussion > Did Clementine really love Garcia?

Did Clementine really love Garcia?

Just something I noticed at the end of "Clementine and Garcia are dating".... after she acted happy about the break up but then it does a close up on her and she looks sad, and the episode ends with a fade out. Pretty rare for a moment like that on this show


Definitely looked sad. I think she loved him. Remember the night before at her apartment? She was telling Garcia about all the nasty stuff her mom was like she was truly relating to Garcia.


I think she didn't like the public rejection. She didn't love him.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


Didn't she call Steed the love of her life before he proposed?


Yea I think she did, but probably got over it real fast...I knew a girl just like her lol....went through dudes like went through underwear.


Yes. Everything else she sad was to save face.


Yes, and that's why she hooked up with him again in Miami.
