Season 6 is awful

I just went back and re-watched the whole series and boy does season 6 suck. No wonder this show was cancelled.

The show was great but it was starting to get a bit repetitive by season 5.

They fired 2 cast members (Clementine & Garcia) and Mary Birdsong decided to leave. They added 2 new cast members whose characters never made much sense or fit into the overall feel of the show. 2 women and 1 man left and they replaced them with 2 men so the whole dynamic shifted. The show had been going on for 5 seasons so it's very hard to just have a massive cast change on an ensemble show so late in the game.

The whole tone and feel of the show just changed for the worst in season 6. It seems more crass and the jokes and situations seem so recycled and tired.

Then it seems like Dangle, Junior and Wiegle dominant the whole season because those 3 actors had the most power on the show.


The three you mentioned as having the most power on the show got cocky and thought everyone was tuning in simply for them and that some of the other actors were expendable -- and they quickly learned a very hard lesson.

Hopefully this humbled them.

It's too bad for viewers, though, because their cockiness ruined it for us, too.

Room for one more, honey.



Spot on with your comments.

Weigel was was barely tolerable in small doses but she was unbearable when she started dominating episodes. It sort of became the Dangle, Junior and Weigel show.

Then the Tai sex slave almost became a regular cast member.

The Sergeant & Rizzo characters made no sense. Then they were too angry as characters which was never what the show was about. The whole tone changed in season 6. Then it just wasn't that funny overall. They brought back Weigel's serial killer ex-husband from season 3 by using old videotapes. He appears about 5 times and it always ends up by him getting beaten and raped by some huge black prisoner.

Also, the way they fired Wendi McLendon-Covey and Carlos Alazraqui was terrible.

The whole tone was off in season 6 as it seemed to get much more mean spirited and nasty.



Yeah, you're right about Wendi McLendon-Covey.

I wonder if salary had anything to do with? Covey and Alzraqui complained or something. I'm pretty sure Birdsong wanted to move on to something bigger.

Yeah the Ian Roberts character made no sense. He was supposed to be an ex Chicago cop or something like that?? And then all of sudden he's a sergeant in Reno? And then his character was really kind of mean and angry which made no sense because the whole theme of the show was the absurd and silly goofy characters.

Joe LoTruglio character didn't make any sense either in that he was some kind of ex crooked cop from Newark or NYC?? His character was kind of angry and mean as well which didn't fit the tone of the show.

It felt like a lot of the tone in season 6 was more nasty than in previous seasons.


Joe Lo Truglio character didn't make any sense either in that he was some kind of ex crooked cop from Newark or NYC?? His character was kind of angry and mean as well which didn't fit the tone of the show.

If I remember correctly, this is what his character said briefly in the first episode of the sixth season:

"I've served in Newark, Philly. Then I went down to Homestead, Florida, worked in Miami, went up to Pompano. I did a couple of Joint Task Forces in El Paso and St. Louis, spent one day in Juneau, one day, and a couple of months in Salt Lake City, and then I ended here."

I do agree with you about the tone of the sixth season; it was definitely noticeable when McLendon-Covey and Alzraqui made their departure. The new ensemble didn't feel the same and I believe this has to do with why the show was inevitably canceled.

If Reno 911! is somehow revived (which I doubt), then I will refuse to watch unless they have the entire original cast.


Absolutely, 100% agree. I don't even think I got through all of Season 6. Each new episode blended in with the one before, and it wasn't funny or entertaining at all. The show's dynamic, and humor went way down after Garcia & Clem left, such a shame-I loved this show & I'll only re-watch season's 1 & 2. I agree that if they do bring this back, I'll only watch with the original cast. And so what if they asked for more money? I'm sure it wasn't that much more, I'd have given it to them cuz then the show might've gotten really good and made more money!
