Stupid retailers

I'm just being a normal internet person here bitchin' about something that no one on here can actually do anything about, but feel the need to say something. The complete series came out recently, yet no one has it. Why? Because they weren't forthright in their thinking and barely ordered any...this even applies to amazon. You can't find it in stores or online, it's backordered for weeks EVERYWHERE! This is *beep* This is ridiculous! The morons that made the orders apparently never watched the show, otherwise they woulda realized they needed to order a lot more. I ordered it the week it came out (woulda ordered it sooner, but didn't know it was coming out) and was told I'd be waiting a month. We'll see in about 10 days if that holds true or not. Now it's like almost 2 months if you try. Watching daily to see if stores get any stock in, no luck:( It's a good thing I can watch every episode on Hulu (damned commercials!).


You aren't kidding. It's really hard to find the complete series in most stores which is ridiculous, I mean it's f|ucking Reno 911. The one store that I know carries the full series ( not just one or two seasons) is f.y.e. -that's where I got mine from. You can order it from them online as well. It's one of the only places that I have seen carry it. Retailers really need to get their s|hit together because this is probably messing with product sales and I know there are a lot of people out there who love the show and would like the dvd's. All.Of.Them.


Picked mine up on Jan.17 at my local best buy in Dallas for 25 bucks! They had twenty in stock. Maybe look on best and order from them. This release caught me by surprise. Cannot stand watching it on Hulu with all the breaks. To bad the first few seasons are still "bleeped".


Deep Discount is carrying it for $39 and change.
