plot = absurd

Gosh, that's some absurd script. Kidman reports the overheard assassination plot and they suspect her of making up the story ... on the grounds that she wants the assassination victim dead !? (Sean Penn directly confronts Kidman with this absurd and illogical allegation).

Now sit back for a second Pollack, Stellman and Ward. If she wanted him dead, shouldn't she just do nothing and wait for it to happen instead of warning anybody, giving them a chance to foil the plot?

And - as an alternative scenario - if there was no assassination plot in the first place and she had really invented it ... how would inventing an assassination plot make him any deader if the assassination is never gonna happen?

Geez, don't you see it doesn't make any sense any way you turn it??


Even more dumb: the dictator meekly goes off to be tried for murder. Heads of state can't be charged with anything by the UN. No country allows that. That's one reason dictators like Mugabe hang on to power till the bitter end; so they won't be handed over to the International Court of Justice. Only former leaders who have been deposed ever face the music, and then rarely. Even murderous dictators like Idi Amin, Duvalier, never were charged for the thousands of deaths they ordered. And how many countries would have voted to put GW Bush on trial for war crimes?

He could have just said "diplomatic immunity", and flown home in his private jet and no one could have touched him.


she only wanted him dead after she knew about her brother's killing


What's absurd is people not paying attention to the clear elements of the story as it unfolds. This movie's only problem for me was being kind of dull.
