MovieChat Forums > Half-Life 2 (2004) Discussion > Only 45 female votes...LOL

Only 45 female votes...LOL

And I thought my sister was the only one not interested in games.

So why do you think girls are not interested?



As Sierra said. Its a man's game (this one) and attracts guys much more. I actually think at least 70% of the people playing the sims are female. Different games, different targets.

Top 5: Jaws, Shrek, Fucling Åmål. Add more if I find any top movies


warge2 = sexist pig


Sexist because I recognize both games as targeted at different groups? I have actually played both and been involved in both communities, and there ARE a lot more girls in TS2 than almost any other game - apart from perhaps a few more neutral MMORPGs like Enthropia. The Sims was the game that finally made girls play computer games; I think Will Wright himself said that once.

"Social" games tend to attract females; violent games males, that's just fact of life, even if individual exceptions exist of course.

Sexist my arse.

Top 5: Jaws, Shrek, Fucling Åmål. Add more if I find any top movies






I'm girl and I AM interested in FPS games. But I 'm probably in minority.



ok, finally a thread i'm interested in :)
I am a girl & I LOVE the half-life series
i've also been playing team fortress since i was in elementary school (i'm 17)
love TF2 and think Left 4 Dead is pretty good
i enjoy horror movies and long walks on the beach ;P

& for whoever made the Sims comment, i do <3 the Sims also

but theres just something about shooting zombies heads off that I love :)

lol & i'm not a gothic-death-obsessed or anything like that

10 - 26 - 09


will you marry me?


Dude, I've played the sh!t out of the Orange Box and I never get sick of it! Hell, I've been getting into a lot of trouble at school for referencing this and other games too much! (along with Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, CoD4:MW, Rock Band, BioShock and others.) Did I mention that I was a girl?

Never understood why people think girls don't play games like this.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco



I am free in all the ways that you are not


Not sure what the point of this thread is... it's like saying the sky is blue and the grass is green. We KNOW men are more likely to be attracted to this sort of game, whereas the majority of girls are not. Don't bother writing your thesis on it...

I am a 22 yr old female- fave games System Shock 2, Thief 1, 2 + 3, Bioshock and now Half Life 2.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


I'm a girl and I LOVE Half life AND the sims...

I originally got the orange box just for portal but randomly played hl2 and tf2, and I love both, but I think what pulls me in with HL is the story, not so much the violence.



Bioshock, Fallout 3, Portal, Infamous and Half Life 2 are my favorite games of all time. I love Bioshock and Infamous cause of their stories, and Fallout 3 cause of the awesome heashots, lol. Portal was like nothing I've ever played before (can't wait for Portal 2) and Half life 2 was just all around awesome. And yes, I'm a girl.

The world will look up and shout I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE, And I will whisper, why so serious?
