MovieChat Forums > Half-Life 2 (2004) Discussion > why does he never talk???????????????

why does he never talk???????????????

whay does gordan freeman never talk????????????????????????


Because it's supposed to be sucking you in as the character, Gordon is just an avatar. They failed if you ask me.

"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!"



Yeah, I wouldn't say they failed. They did a marvelous job as makng you feel as if you were GF.
Also, the no talking adds a sort of suspicion and curiosity of GF.

10 - 26 - 09


He doesn't talk because Valve wanted the player to feel like it was their actions that was contributing to the situation, and not like they were just observing what some guy was doing. Few games do this well, and Valve nailed it right on the head.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


I read somewhere that Valve said that Gordon got hold of some acidic detergent or something as a child and drank it, thus destroying his vocal cords. After that, he would have learned sign language, but never really bothered talking it.

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If they said that, they were joking.


He does have the ability to talk. In the booklet for the first Half Life, it shows his acceptance letter to Black Mesa and on it says something along the lines of that Gordon and some head guy at Black Mesa had a phone conversation discussing the arrangements of his room & board.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


The main character not speaking in a First person shooter is a very common theme.

Take a look at the mother of all First person shooters, DOOM. From its original release to the last one, the main character never talks. Same with Bioshock, which is brilliant. Sometimes it depends on the plot/story of the game and how this 'not talking' is incorporated. Games like Halo or Black, the character's personality and attitude that carries over through the game is very integral to the game. However in HL or Bioshocj or others the silence is part of the plot and the overtone which adds mystery.

Imagine GTV IV without having Nico Bellic talking.



Using DOOM and other first person shooters aren't really great examples. Back then characters in action games typically never talked, period. RPG's are what really introduced dialogue into games. Duke Nukem talks a lot in Duke Nukem 3D, though. And that game came just 2 years after DOOM. Somewhere along the line-- probably before Half-Life--silence must've stuck for the immersion, and not because of production constraints.


"Imagine GTA IV without Nico Bellic talking."


"Are you boys the police?" "No ma'am, we're musicians."




