Full Metal Jacket?

I just saw the movie Full Metal Jacket for the first time today. (Great movie, by the way). But I noticed that part of the original soundtrack for the movie sounded almost exactly like the song played in the "Our Benefactors" chapter of Half Life 2.

I always loved that creepy rhythmic beat and music that played as you were being carried through the Citadel, so I was extremely shocked and excited when I heard it playing in the movie while the soldiers were walking through the ruins in Vietnam.

Has anybody else noticed this?


Are you talking about the music during the scene where Pvt Joker looks at the dead Vietnamese bodies lined up in the ditch?


Yeah I think so. In the ruins.


If you're thinking of the scene located almost exactly half way through the film when Pv. Joker is standing over the lime covered bodies in the ditch. And there is a an eerie five or so seconds of music. I noticed that this completely matches the ambient sound effects of the pods as they rock back and forwards. Whether or not it intentionally matches the scene in FMJ, is a reference, a tribute, a subconscious choice, or just the most obvious thing for that(/both) sequence(s), it probably isn't included on the H-L2 soundtrack, as I think it's just a sound effect with some harmonic similarities.


I agree the first time I played that pod scene in HL2, those clanking, creaking noises reminded me of Full Metal Jacket.
