MovieChat Forums > Half-Life 2 (2004) Discussion > Lambda as mathematical symbol

Lambda as mathematical symbol

Sorry if this has been discussed, but I looked through past posts and couldn't seem to find it.

So I just got the Orange Box and have been playing this game. I was wondering if anyone knew why the lowercase lambda is used throughout the game. I pretty much know the Greek alphabet, and I know what a lambda is and all, but why did they use it in the game to designate the resistance? Could someone tell me what it means as a mathematical/scientific symbol?

Again, I looked through some past posts, so if this has been discussed--and if it hasn't, I'm kinda surprised it hasn't--sorry about that.


Mars is laughing at us.


Lambda denotes the decay constant in the half-life equation. This should tell you all you want to know:


half-life is like how long a micro cell lives or something like that

Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos.


The lower case lambda is used in science to represent an object's Half Life. Gordon worked in the Lambda Complex at Black Mesa, and also had the lambda on his H.E.V. suit. Seeing how the resistance sees Freeman as a hero of sorts, it's only natural that they wear "his" mark.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


Ahh. Thank you to all who commented.

I love it in video games when the makers insert something that not everyone would get--it makes people in the know appreciate it better.

Thanks again!

Mars is laughing at us.
