MovieChat Forums > Half-Life 2 (2004) Discussion > G-Man, a villain or a helper?

G-Man, a villain or a helper?

I have a little difficulties if to determine if G-Man is a villain or actually a helper... I would say he have traits from both categories! What would you suggest?

Oh, G-Man is kickass charater anyway! :)


I think he has his own agenda, though I don't think it's necessarily EVIL. I just think that he probably has had to/will have to resort to some evil actions in order to see whatever plan he has cooking through. So, I wouldn't say he's a villain...maybe a sort of anti-hero, I'm not sure.


I was going to say the same thing, he has his own agenda

It seems that for the most part he is helpful, although not in a very obvious or direct way, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is sympathetic to the cause of the humans over the combine, it just means at that very moment his agenda relies on the humans (or Gordon Freeman anyway) being free of combine rule
