MovieChat Forums > Half-Life 2 (2004) Discussion > Takes Place Somewhere in Europe?

Takes Place Somewhere in Europe?

According to the Half-Life wikia, HL2 and its episodes take place "somewhere in Europe" (City 17, etc.). But how come all the characters from HL1 have suddenly moved from the US to Europe in the 20 year span between the games? Is it ever really explained? Did the Combine move all the population of America to Europe?

-Godard: What brought you to Hollywood?
-Ford: A train.


Earth's population was decimated during the seven hour war, and since the "suppression field" stopped people from reproducing (which judging from the lack of children, or for that matter teens had been in force for a reasonable amount of time) there are nowhere near the number of people in the world that there really are. As a result, the whole world colonized together, thus forcing people to move far and wide. All the Black Mesa staff probably relocated together to keep the resistance going.


I reckon, is somewhere in the Eastern Europe place. Because of Father Grigori at the chapter 'We don't go to Ravenholm'

Next poster is a [insert name here]


Not Europe apart from perhaps eastern Europe or one of the Russian states - the kyrillic on buildings gives it away. My personal guess would be somewhere around the Black Sea, in Bulgaria or Rumania, since the terrain kind of looks like the terrain there.

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