Dumb moments

What are your dumb moments (meaning did you do anything dumb or did something bad)?

1. Some guy told me to evacuate the house but i stayed there and some guys came in and killed me!
2. I was shooting my friend (on purpose)


You can shoot at your buddies all you want. They wont die. (Unless you are running a mod that enables the killing of allies).


I know, i just wanted to shoot the guys when i was angry!


Its always fun telling your guys to stand under a barnacle. It saves ammo rather than shotting them, of course you have to be fortunate enough to be near a barnacle.


That part with the two striders and the wrecked building. I was shooting them and crouching and I killed myself by shooting the grenade into the wall right in front of me. I probably did this at least 3 times.



you can kill roller mines with explosives, so when one was rolling around outside i shot one at it, blowing it up, but also a lot of barrels which flew around and exploded like usual, and i was blown into a wall, almost dead, like, at 2 health.

then a normal headcrab jumped out on me.



1. I didn't pay attention to the British officer who explained the use of the guided missiles, so I fired like 40 rockets at the combine gunship before I realized I could guide them with the mouse.

2. I climbed up the magnet crane, put the buggy onto the quay, climbed down the crane, and walked over to the bridge which was still up... hmmm...


1. I didn't pay attention to the British officer who explained the use of the guided missiles, so I fired like 40 rockets at the combine gunship before I realized I could guide them with the mouse.

2. I climbed up the magnet crane, put the buggy onto the quay, climbed down the crane, and walked over to the bridge which was still up... hmmm...

I did both of those as well first time through.


i was speaking to the npc's and one of them said "sometimes i dream of cheese" i was like wtf??

Previously cheatmaster781


I played Episode 1... LOL!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to return some video tapes.


Kept calling Combine soliders condom faces.


Ha ha ha ha! Very funny! :)

I kept activating a glitch in the developer's console which gave me "Black Hole Grenades", and I had fun throwing them at Alyx and Barney and watching them get sucked into the black holes, รก la Event Horizon.


1. I didn't pay attention to the British officer who explained the use of the guided missiles, so I fired like 40 rockets at the combine gunship before I realized I could guide them with the mouse.

Same thing to me, but instead I would shoot at the gunship with the rocket and follow the gunship with my cursor... so I thought the rocket guided itself. :P it took a while for me to realize what was going on.




1. I didn't pay attention to the British officer who explained the use of the guided missiles, so I fired like 40 rockets at the combine gunship before I realized I could guide them with the mouse.

Same here, except I thought the left trigger (I have it on the 360) would automatically make the rocket follow it. I died so many times because of this part.

Anyway, dumbest thing I ever did was in Nova Prospect when you have to set up the turrets in the cell block, thinking I was using the gravity gun, I kept pressing the left trigger to pick up the turrets. Turns out I was using the SMG, which caused a grenade to blow up in my face. (I was always right in front of a wall when this happened.) You'd think I'd learn after the first time, but I never did. This happened at least fifty times.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco
