Just Seeing This Now

and I really like it, except for one thing. I'm getting to the point of seeing that Depp cannot act. Not convincingly, and his delivery in the last few films I've seen him in seem off on some way.

Probably the thing I liked him most in was Once Upon A Time In Mexico, but even then, he was uneven.

I think he's a very overrated actor.


Really? In whch scenes of The Rum Diary does Depp act poorly or unconvincingly?


You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I can't say I agree with you and certainly can't say that I like how you present what is your opinion as a stone cold fact.

Even more, if he truly couldn't act... what took you, the expert that you are, so long to start "getting to the point of seeing that Depp cannot act?" Normally when someone "can't act" it's kinda something you can tell pretty quickly, no?

Having said that, I get it. I really do. Depp is kinda like a Jack Nicholson or Nicholas Cage where you can't help but notice their characteristics shine through in their movies... basically Jack is always "Jack."

But if you're "getting to the point" then I really want to question if the reason it took you so long is because Depp wasn't always SOOOO tied into being a Tim Burton-type of over-the-top character in pretty much every movie he plays in. He used to be a young Depp that was on 21 Jump Street, a soldier in Platoon, an overly-burdened young man in What's Eating Gilbert Grape... later he rounded out with things like Donnie Brasco, Chocolat, and Blow.

Personally, I've not wanted to see Transcendence either and I certainly want to forget The Tourist... so I'm sure it's easy enough to forget that Johnny Depp actually DOES show versatility and isn't just some kinda John Wayne-type of actor that doesn't know how to do anything but what he does (in Depp's case, be "weird"). Sure, he's "weird" in most of his roles anymore... but it's not like he's Denzel Washington (a guy I'd claim is overrated since he basically seems to always play the same role, though I recognize it's subjective and certainly respect other peoples' opinions that even if Denzel is basically always playing every role the same... he's still demonstrated that he has great acting abilities).


i was happy to see johnny acting well in this film, it's been a while since i've seen him play a 'normal' type guy
