MovieChat Forums > Closer (2004) Discussion > Anyone else think Larry was a bastard?

Anyone else think Larry was a bastard?

I'm reading on here that people related to him. I found him compelling and sexy, sure, but I thought he was written to be a misogynistic bastard. The ending felt like the villain won in a way - he was so cold and manipulative, using Anna's depression and self-sabotaging tendencies to "blackmail" her back. He even called her a dog and said he was like her owner!

I say this because I've been in Anna's shoes myself. Just because it's technically consensual doesn't mean it's psychologically right... I'm sure she gets turned on by the guilt in a way, but I think her true happiness was with Dan. I felt sad for her ending, but I knew she couldn't have ended up with Dan either. That's the kind of person she was.

Also related to Jane's "Why isn't love enough?" speech. At first she seemed codependent, but the ending turned that right around quick. Natalie Portman is stunning!

Anyways, sorry for the tangent, but I can't have been the only one who thought Larry was a bastard. Anyone?


No, Dan was a bastard.

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I'm curious why you thought that? I feel like I'm in the minority, though I thought it was supposed to be obvious. Both myself and friends who watched it thought Larry was a bastard. Dan didn't seem as harmful or manipulative to me.


Larry was harsh but kind in his heart that's why he got Julia Roberts back. On the other hand, Dan was unforgiving and lost both of the girls.

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With the exception of Alice they were all *beep* I think she's the one who got hurt the most. But that's just my opinion.


Agree with you. Alice/Jane is ultimately the only redeeming character in this story.


Don't forget, he's a bastard you find compelling and sexy. "and don't you forget it."


Well, it seemed to me that Dan abused her. She said she had been abused before and he hits Natalie Portman's character. So, Idk if that gives you any insight as to why people might dislike him. Or maybe I'm in the minority in that thought.


Dan is the real bastard. He didn't have an affair with a woman he worked with, somebody he would have seen every day and would have been difficult to not fall in love with.

He brazenly stalked her and begged her to screw him! He even used a porn site to get her attention all while living with Alice.

How about using his father's death as an excuse to get a few days away from Alice so he could screw Anna?


Preach! That last part is the bit that really stings. Or after how he took her on a trip to "celebrate their anniversary" but really just wanted Anna the whole time. And was calling her when he thought Alice wasn't around.


Yes, he was, definetly. Dan also, in a different way. Anna was self-destructing. Jane/Alice (just as Larry said) pretended to be honest, but overall was a totally fake person.


Yes.Larry is a Bastard. As a man no Adult should behave like that.Sex is so easy for a man .and hurting your partner is unnecessary and Dangerous .


Sex is easy for a male?? Erh, An Erection when you HAVE TO! Ever tried that Sonny'? Oh, dear:-(

I couldn't!? ..must be a misogynistic then:-/


They're all bastards. Every single person in this movie is an A-hole.


What was so bad about Alice/Jane?


Yes, he was a bastard, but definitely a sexy one! 

