MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Discussion > I Think Bill Got Deliberately Drunk...

I Think Bill Got Deliberately Drunk... order to make it more likely that Beatrix would win their final confrontation. He drinks at least four, maybe five shots of tequila during what probably wasn't much more than an hour or so, depending on how long it took Bea to describe her last assignment. And those are only the drinks we see. He could have had more. To me, he even sounds a bit drunk by the time they get outside. I have no proof of any of this, but I think it's a better story that way.


I had the same thoughts when I rewatched it recently. Perhaps he knew that he was a father much later in life, and that BB would have a better life with a younger mother in Beatrix.


or he's an arrogant *beep* that thought he could still fight well even if he's buzzed. i honestly don't think he wanted to lose. he put her through hell even after showing up and finding BB. yes he got some answers after the truth syrum, but right before she did the 5 finger death palm move on him, he seemed ready to fight. and seemed surprised/disappointed she learned the heart move. but at the same time, yeah he could have maybe gotten drunk because he got his answers, and thought she deserved to win but knowing his character and everything he put her through-- i think he would have killed her if he could.


We'll never know, I guess, and your interpretation is absolutely as valid as mine. Consider though: He admits even as he's dying that she's his favorite person, previously admitted that the massacre and her shooting were an "overreaction" brought on by finding she was alive but didn't contact him, which he now regrets, and finally, that 5 or more shots of tequila in under an hour is not drunk, it's DRRRUUUUNNNNK. Like, soon-to-be-vomiting, knee-walking, passed-out-shortly drunk. He absolutely respects her capabilities, shown in the scene where he tried to warn Budd, so I would think he'd have to be not just arrogant, but incredibly stupid, to think he could beat her in that condition. To me, the whole scene just played as though, even though he won't simply roll over and allow her to kill him without a fight, he knows he deserves to die, and is willing to drastically tip the odds in her favor. As far as his surprise that she knows the exploding heart technique, it could be that he's just surprised that Pai Mei would ever have taught that to ANYONE else, particularly a white American woman, the three characteristics Pai Mei hated most.


That and, he didn't prepare for the Five Point Exploding Heart Technique. Kinda like a football team preparing for an opponent who runs a 3-wide offense, and they come with the Wildcat.

When we're thinking about our own brain, would that be a mental paradox??


5 shots of tequila ain't that bad..


It's certainly not fatal, but since you eliminate booze at about one drink an hour, it was a heavy load to take on really fast. No big deal if you plan on just yarking your guts out, then falling over unconscious for a few hours, but if you're about to have a sword fight to the death with one of the best in the world, it's a BAD idea. So bad that I still believe his remorse etc., while not making him stand there and let her kill him, caused him to give her a serious advantage. The only other reason to drink that much right then would be because he was stupid, and we know that's not true.

Oh, I remember (sort of bits and pieces of) the days when I thought 5 shots of tequila wasn't bad.... Hell, at one point in my youth, that much booze wouldn't even cause the terrible condition frequently called whiskey d***. Now, I think it just might kill me....


5 shots is nothing to an old dude who's been drinking regularly for 50 years.


In an early draft of the script I saw (easy to find online) Bill was drinking red wine in that scene. Before they fight, he offers Beatrix a glass and she says no thanks. Bill says something like, "Well, you're going to have an unfair advantage then." And then she says OK and drinks some wine. So clearly Tarantino was aware of this being an issue and decided it wasn't important.
